13 October 2011


Perrenially contemplative
witness in the median of frequencies,
seeing interstitially
fields blooming
width-wise, depth-wise
shift and counter-shift-wise —

staring in a chasm of anemones,
envisioning the implications of a sugar-ant
peregrinating capacities, opacities
the blenched caul of a fall of light —

mimetic symmetries live in
the quotidien conduit of synergies,
the values weighed, the nuance tuned
fathoms sounded —

your volumes walk with you,
a honey-flow lavishes
the world at your finger-tips,
visions at the distance of your gaze
leave their imprint on your pollen —

sounds, schemes, spirits
weave intricate trees,
their leaves are your quests come hither
into the seeing skeins
spun from the essence of your storm.